
Chris 29.11.1990

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Many a times I guess people don't really know that you are caring for them . Life's meant to have all kinds of experiences that we all learn from it . Regardless whether is it a good one or a bad one . Fixing up a broken heart is not what some people think is that easy . Humans are so soft in the inside but yet so hard on the outside . They may seem as if nothing actually did happen . But deep inside you will never know how pain or how bitter it can be .

Life is like a car with it's head light switched on . You couldn't expect it to shine the whole stretch of road . All it could shine the most is only a few meters away . So if we don't take the initiative to move forward . We will never know what's up ahead in life . We couldn't expect others to shine our road for us . Life is yours . You live for yourself not for others . All that others could do for you is to guide and push you rather than walk for you . In the end the one who suffers or benfits is you not them .

Guess each person has his/her different paths to take in life . And the choice i took wasn't a good one . But no matter what we still have to perserve in life and finish walking . Who knows what could be up ahead . Something positive may be awaiting for us .

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